Make Your Business Planning
Apa sih itu Businnes Plan itu ? jika anda merupakan penggiat bisnis pastinya akan akrab dengan hal ini, namun bagi pemula yang akan dan sedang terjud dalam bisnis akan melalui tahapan ini dan mari kita simak penjelasan berikut ini ….. happy reading.... A. Pengertian Business Plan Menurut Para Ahli Hisrich dan Peters (1995:113) Menurut Hisrich dan Peters, The business plan is a written document prepared by the entrepeneur that describe all the relevant external and internal elements involved in starting a new venture. It is often an integration of functional plans such as marketing, finance, manufacturing and human resources. Max Coulthard, Andrea Howell dan Geoff Clarke (1999:3) Menurut Max Coulthard, Andrea Howell dan Geoff Clarke, Business plan is a detailed study of the organization’s activities, which highlights where the organization has been, where it is owe and where it might get to in the future, and incorporates an action program to achieve these results. () Meggin...